© Timeless Turning 2014
Timeless Turning Corinth, Mississippi (941) 587-4897
Michael Raby was driving by the damaged areas left by Hurricane Sandy and was touched by the loss of many trees that families had planted to commemorate a special person, event or anniversary. Timeless Turning is dedicated to making lasting memories by turning the wood from these trees into heirlooms such as bowls, chairs, tables and smaller items like candle holders, mobiles and toys that spell children’s names. We’re always happy to hear your ideas! With support and encouragment from his wife Dianne, Mike has decades of experience working with all types of wood. Please feel free to contact Mike at (941) 587-4897 or at mike@mikeraby.com Creating New Memories from your Historical or Important Trees
Timeless Turning specializes in creating permanent memories made from wood that has special importance.
Contact Us At: (941) 587-4897 mike@mikeraby.com Corinth, Mississippi